Hello! I stumbled across your blog and wonder if you can help. I had my betta in a 2.5 gallon tank and he was thriving. He died 11 days later after suddenly becoming lethargic. I had put in a filter after getting him, and fed some bloodworms in gel around the same time. Do you think it was stress (from new filter) or the bloodworms? The filter has a very minimal current. I have a new fish and I'd hate to see him die. He seems unfazed by the filter.
I have been keeping specifically betta for a little over 7 years and keeping fish in general for much longer than that. I've had a few spawnings happen but I always end up with dead beat dads. But I am going to try again! <3 I FINALLY HAVE FRY!
Hello! I stumbled across your blog and wonder if you can help. I had my betta in a 2.5 gallon tank and he was thriving. He died 11 days later after suddenly becoming lethargic. I had put in a filter after getting him, and fed some bloodworms in gel around the same time. Do you think it was stress (from new filter) or the bloodworms? The filter has a very minimal current. I have a new fish and I'd hate to see him die. He seems unfazed by the filter.